Sunday, March 22, 2020

Social Responsibility: Birthday cards for Homeless youth

Did you know that some homeless youth have never gotten a Happy Birthday card in there entire life?

Most of these kids are traveling between homes and don't have a permanent  address. 

A simple home project that helps your kids understand how to make an impact, is creating cards for these kids.

You can simply wish them well and let them know you are thinking of them on their birthday or “just because.” Please sign your first name inside the card, and tell them where you live if you’d like.

Please leave the envelopes unsealed. Write your first name, city, and state in the return-address portion of the envelope and leave the rest blank: we will address them for you.

Put your card(s) in a larger envelope and mail them to:
Braid Mission
Cards of Hope
312 Georgia St., Suite 235
Vallejo CA 94590

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